Better Care - NDIS and Aged Care
Sign up now to #FixAndFundtheNDIS
Join the campaign for an NDIS that works. Sign our Campaign Pledge here.
Our Care Campaign
At the Founding Assembly, 30 August 2017, we launched our campaign for better CARE. You can read our Research Action Team's Report and see the video below.
Take action now!
- Sign our Campaign Pledge to #FixAndFundtheNDIS
- Be part of a meeting with your local MP, along with other Alliance leaders from your area - email [email protected] if you're interested.
- Host a Better Care Table Talk in your congregation, mosque, community centre or workplace - email [email protected] for more details.
What we've won together so far:
- State funding for disability advocacy secured to June 30, 2021.
- Extended funding of Workability Project for 2018/19.
Reduction of ACAT waiting times to Australian benchmarks.
- Establishment of a workforce training and development fund to assist transition to national scheme
- Commitment to minimum staffing levels, based on research, where State delivers residential aged care.
- A rights based approach to disability with inclusion of NDIS providers under the Qld Human Rights Act.
Going Federal:
We're meeting with Federal MPs and candidates about supporting our campaign. Our proposed solutions are explained in our Better NDIS Position Paper.
Train Quality Workers - Implement a portable training scheme based on the model developed by Centre for Future Work and Australian Services Union.
Simply and Equitable Access
- Streamline the application process providing access to information more appropriate for participants to navigate.
- Train/employ NDIA staff with higher levels of awareness of the needs/challenges and also abilities of participants to improve consistency in plan outcomes.
- Base assessment on the applicant's actual functional impairment, rather than simply their diagnosis.
Support our Most Vulnerable - NDIA to drive and fund a solution for provider of last resort when private provision doesn't work.
- Fair Pricing - Appoint a prominent person/panel to design a new pricing system that takes account of all genuine costs, especially for transport and a sustainable workforce.
Sign up