Alliance Actions and Training

Our upcoming actions, events and community organising training.

  • Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 12:30 PM
    Multicultural Australia, Logan in Logan Central, Australia

    Campaign Training - Renew Australia for All

    In the coming months, thousands of people from Logan, Brisbane Southside and beyond will be campaigning for  local homes and communities to be powered with renewable energy, to cut our bills for good and create thousands of well-paid, secure jobs.

    Join this Campaign Training us to get skilled up and involved in action to address cost of living through household climate solutions this election season! 

    Community leaders participating in community conversation.

    Every Australian, whether they own their own place or rent, should be able to live in a home that’s safe and affordable to heat, cool and cook in.

    But that’s not where we’re at. All across the country, families are struggling with the cost of living and enormous energy bills, while solar panels, household electrification and other energy efficiency measures that save us money are out of reach for so many families.

    The Federal Government can change this. They could pay for (or subsidise) low income households, renters and people in unit blocks to switch to renewable energy, or make their homes more energy efficient. This would save families hundreds of dollars each year! 

    Having thousands of conversations in communities is an excellent way to make sure the government takes action on this. Attend this campaign training to:

    • Understand the Renew Australia for All Campaign 
    • Build your confidence talking about solutions which save families money and are positive for the climate 
    • Make a plan to take action, either by joining in existing opportunities or creating your own!

    Working with hundreds of people in Logan and Brisbane's Southside, we’ll advocate for solutions that reduce cost of living pressures on households in the long term by ensuring that every household has access to clean, renewable energy.


    This training is free, but registration is essential! We'd love to make sure that we've got enough lunch and seats for everyone. 

    Sign up below to let us know you're coming!

    Keen but can’t make it? Send us an email - [email protected]

    RSVP to this Event