Our Ipswich District includes churches, union members and community organisations active in the Ipswich area. Booval Catholic parish, Glebe Rd Uniting, St Marys Catholic community, Ipswich City Uniting Church, Churches of Christ in Queensland and more recently MDA have been at the heart of our work. Key leadership in our district includes members of the Ipswich QCU, Together, United Voice, and the Nurses and Midwives Union.
We have fought for a Collective Impact project, that is seeking to address the high rate of suicide in the West Moreton area. And we are committed to rebuilding and strengthening our democratic institutions in Ipswich.
In response to the appointment of the Administrator for Ipswich City Council we are calling for a Vision of Ipswich Summit to be convened by the State Government and the Administrator. Join our call for the Summit here.