Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

It's our birthday!

A year ago our Alliance was Founded at Brisbane City Hall with the largest joint civil society event in Qld's history.  We were recognised by Premier Palaszczuk who committed to work on our proposed solutions around Care and Employment & Training.

In the last year we've gone to work converting the commitments made that night into wins on the issues that affect your life. 

We've had 12 wins on these issues - check out our progress here.  That's winning every 33 days! 


Take Action

To celebrate we're kicking off a next phase of action around employment, training and the NDIS.  Here's what you can do:


1. Attend our Employment Forum - Mon 17th September 4 for 4.30-6.30pm, Sandgate District State High School.

Our Employment Forum is focused on the dignity of work. We're bringing people together to share stories, develop a common vision and commit to action.
If you have a story or a passion about quality work we need you!  Whether it's about getting work, keeping a job, exploitation at work, and the need for quality training that leads to quality employment.
Together we can address the causes of the pressures we face. RSVP online here and along bring your friends, family and colleagues.


2. Sign the Training Petition

Today we're launching our Petition for Quality Training.  

We hear stories of students saddled with huge debts, people receiving meaningless certificates because of a tick and flick culture, employers who find that graduates don’t have the skills they need, and some of the most vulnerable in our community not being able to access training.

We need the Minister Fentiman and the State Government to act to restore quality through increasing funding, making sure money reaches the classroom, and upgrading educator qualifications.

Sign here to show Minister Fentiman that Queenslanders want action for quality training.


3. Sign the Campaign Pledge to Fix and Fund the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme rollout is in trouble.  The stories we're hearing from every perspective show that change is needed to make this reform work for people with disability, their families, service providers and workers.

Everyone in politics just wants this to magically be okay.  We're asking you to sign the Campaign Pledge to show both State and Federal Government that fixing the NDIS needs to be a priority for them.  


4. Save the Date - 2018 Accountability Assembly, 7th November 2018.

Our big Assembly for this year will be on Weds 7th November, 6.30pm.  Save the date now and join over 700 civil society leaders in acting for a better Queensland.


Congratulations on making the first year since Founding a success.  We're looking forward to the relationships and action we can build together in the year ahead.  

If you want to get more involved let me know!

Contact [email protected] or 0467 563 796

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