Minister for Communities, Coralee O'Rourke: Keep Funding our 'Ways to Wellness Social Isolation Project'

As people who live and work in Mt Gravatt, Wishart, Mansfield and surrounding areas, we stand with the Member for Mansfield, Corrine McMillan MP to ask Minister O’Rourke to keep funding our innovative work to combat social isolation. 

 All of us know someone who is lonely and isolated!

  • Jill hasn’t left the house in years except to see the Doctor or to pick up groceries. She feels like her front fence is a prison.
  • Maria worries about young people in her community that struggle in school and find it hard to fit in.
  • Peter worries about his neighbour that he hasn’t seen for weeks.

The Ways to Wellness Social Isolation Project is a social prescribing network that reaches the most lonely and vulnerable and connects them to a group and social support within the community. It was developed by our leaders across our community in 2018. 

A “link worker” is based in our local Mt Gravatt Community Centre. Her name is Wendy. She walks side by side with people to build their confidence and make sure they have a place to belong.

The Ways to Wellness project is the first in Australia and has been based on a successful model in the United Kingdom. The Mt Gravatt project results speak for themselves. After only on year, 88% of participants have participated in a group in the community.

There have been referrals to over 80 local activities and groups including exercise classes, craft classes, music groups, the Mt Gravatt Men’s Shed, singing groups, seniors’ activities and social groups!

This project matters to all of us. It is just finding its legs and starting to make a real difference.

The University of QLD has just received a grant from the Australian Research Council to properly evaluate the work over the next three years.

But Minister O'Rourke has not committed to continue funding our link worker.

We don't want to drop people in our community, just when they are starting to find their feet. 

Time has run out. We have people now waiting for support and now it is time for the Minister to step in.

We stand with the Member for Mansfield, Corrine McMillan MP to ask the Minister for Communities, Coralee O’Rourke to keep funding our 'Ways to Wellness Social Isolation Project."

Who's signing

Jessie Scott
Yani Mills
Maata Senituli
Mary Ross
Jodie Jones
Judy Brown
Rebecca Hinton
Mark Juster
Marika Saunders
Paul Barry
Nichola Lane
Wendy Flannery
monique young
Kristy Austin
Walter Dethlefs
Anna O’Driscoll
Christine Newbery
Sarah Anderson
Scott James
Lucy Lopez
Cheranne Garcia
Kat Cusack
Bruce Baker
Trina Hanns
Andrew Mochrie
Jennifer Blake
Angus Shaw
Carla Morris
Jodie Fitness
482 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 332 reactions

  • Jessie Scott
    @Jess50logan tweeted link to this page. 2020-02-12 06:00:03 +1000
    Sign the petition: Minister for Communities, Coralee O'Rourke: Keep Funding our 'Ways to Wellness Social Isolation Project'
  • Jessie Scott
    signed 2020-02-12 05:59:34 +1000
  • Yani Mills
    signed 2020-02-12 01:51:48 +1000
    Yani Mills
  • Maata Senituli
    signed 2020-02-11 23:19:19 +1000
  • Mary Ross
    signed 2020-02-11 21:55:54 +1000
    the continuation of this project is crucial
  • Jodie Jones
    signed 2020-02-11 21:55:21 +1000
  • Judy Brown
    signed 2020-02-11 21:21:24 +1000
    So impressed by what the Alliance. Reminds me of the Whitlam days! Keep up the good work.
  • Rebecca Hinton
    signed 2020-02-11 21:17:38 +1000
    Such an important program. For someone who has worked in the mental health sector for years I have seen the Impact that social isolation causes to a person’s mental well being. Half of the problem for people is just getting out of the front door when anxiety is have someone encouraging and supportive to walk the steps to wellness with you is a much needed service. It would be a massive shame to lose this service when it promotes mental wellness, friendship and recovery…..
  • Mark Juster
    signed 2020-02-11 20:52:21 +1000
  • Marika Saunders
    signed 2020-02-11 20:02:08 +1000
  • Paul Barry
    signed 2020-02-11 19:49:49 +1000
  • Nichola Lane
    signed 2020-02-11 19:40:54 +1000
  • Wendy Flannery
    signed 2020-02-11 17:03:11 +1000
    Wendy Flannery
  • monique young
    signed 2020-02-11 17:03:01 +1000
  • Kristy Austin
    signed 2020-02-11 16:54:10 +1000
  • Walter Dethlefs
    signed 2020-02-11 16:47:13 +1000
    Walter Dethlefs
  • Anna O’Driscoll
    signed 2020-02-11 16:35:54 +1000
  • Christine Newbery
    signed 2020-02-11 16:30:58 +1000
  • Sarah Anderson
    signed 2020-02-11 16:14:34 +1000
    As a home support assessor in the Brisbane south region I can not emphasize enough how vital this program has been for many of my socially isolated clients. With an emphasis on reablement, these programs have immeasurable importance in improving outcomes for physical and mental health of my aged care clients.
  • Scott James
    signed 2020-02-11 16:11:28 +1000
  • Lucy Lopez
    signed 2020-02-11 16:03:33 +1000
  • Cheranne Garcia
    signed 2020-02-11 15:11:09 +1000
    This is such a worthy cause and so important for those vulnerable in the community, please continue with this amazing programme.
  • Kat Cusack
    signed 2020-02-11 15:08:01 +1000
  • Bruce Baker
    signed 2020-02-11 14:09:02 +1000
    This is a mistake to take this away.
  • Trina Hanns
    signed 2020-02-11 10:04:45 +1000
  • Andrew Mochrie
    signed 2020-02-10 21:51:27 +1000
  • Jennifer Blake
    signed 2020-02-10 21:28:16 +1000
  • Angus Shaw
    signed 2020-02-10 18:54:20 +1000
  • Carla Morris
    signed 2020-02-10 18:36:03 +1000
  • Jodie Fitness
    signed 2020-02-10 17:50:49 +1000