A "Maroonprint" for Queensland Reconstruction
As we recover from the ongoing Covid19 crisis there has never been a more important time for building a fairer, more sustainable and thriving Queensland full of opportunity for everyone.
Together we have developed a "Maroonprint" that captures the direction needed by the 1.7 million Queenslanders represented by our Alliance. It's a "Maroonprint" because why have a "blueprint" in Queensland!
Download the Maroonprint for Queensland Reconstruction here.
We are holding online assemblies over the next month where we invite the Premier and Opposition Leader to respond to the stories and vision we have for Queensland Reconstruction.
Register your interest below.
We have invited the Premier to an online Maroonprint Assembly. We are currently in discussion about a suitable date. While this is happening please register your interest below and we will keep you updated about the times. We are looking to hold this online assembly between 6th - 16th July.
Our Assembly with Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington will be on Thurs 9th July. More information and registration is here.
As we recover from the ongoing Covid19 crisis there has never been a more important time for building a fairer, more sustainable and thriving Queensland full of opportunity for everyone.
We need to capitalise on the strengths that have underpinned our response to the health crisis, while responding to the problems this crisis has revealed.
As organised civil society we want to see this achieved in a way that responds to the needs of Queensland and Queenslanders.
This will not be a short term response, but must be deeply grounded in the organisations where we develop deep relationships that enable listening, identifying pressures, providing mutual support, and acting together for wider democratic change. These are our churches, mosques, unions, community organisations and ethnic associations.
But to achieve change in peoples lives we need to not only talk to each other, but to those who have decision-making power in our state. That is what these Assemblies provide.
Who's endorsing
90 endorsements