Partner Profile - QNMU
Why is your organisation a member of the Alliance?
We share similar values with the Queensland Community Alliance, including our goals to work collectively and democratically for the common good.
The QNMU is well placed to advocate for not only our members, but also the communities in which our members work and live.
Queensland Nurses & Midwives Union
Member since 2013
Why is your organisation a member of the Alliance?
As the organisation representing nearly 60,000 nurses and midwives in Queensland, the QNMU is well placed to advocate for not only our members, but also the communities in which our members work and live.
We share similar values with the Queensland Community Alliance, including our goals to work collectively and democratically for the common good.
Why is it important for the voices of your members/community to be heard?Queensland’s nurses and midwives are the heart of our health system. The care we provide affects everyone, whether it’s in the public, private or aged care sectors.
The QNMU believes in a democratic Australia, which values all citizens and their aspirations, and nurses and midwives definitely have a lot to contribute.
What does a Queensland more in line with your organisations values look like?
Our nursing, midwifery and union values guide our organisation and everything we do. As a union, we believe in fairness, equality, collectivism, and opportunity. As nurses and midwives, we provide care, advocacy, holism and professionalism.
Each of these values aims to achieve not only a better health system, but a better society.
Why does your organisation believe in a stronger civil society that holds government and the market to account?
As frontline citizens, nurses and midwives on the ground know what is needed to maintain and improve our health system and communities. Governments must listen to ordinary Queenslanders and take direction from those who will be directly affected by government decisions.
Good policy is made through proper consultation with voices at every level. Holding governments to account goes to the heart of what our democratic system is all about.
Contact person: Genevieve Siddle, Campaign Co-Ordinator