Partner Profile - QNADA

Partner Profile - QNADA

Why is your organisation a member of the Alliance?

We saw value in adding our voice to the Alliance because the alcohol and other drug treatment and harm reduction sector is quite small.

As a member-based peak body, we are committed to ensuring the voice of civil society is heard in the political process.  

QNADA (Qld Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies)

Member since 2017

Why is your organisation a member of the Alliance?

As a member-based peak body, we are committed to ensuring the voice of civil society is heard in the political process.  

We saw value in adding our voice to the Alliance because the alcohol and other drug treatment and harm reduction sector is quite small.

Why is it important for the voices of your members/community to be heard?

People experiencing problems related to their substance use are amongst the most stigmatised members of our society and the policy responses of governments tend toward a law enforcement approach, which compounds stigma and creates a barrier to people seeking help early. 

It also contributes to the under-investment in treatment services (because our policy promotes the view that drug dependence is a choice and that people who make that choice belong in the criminal justice system). 

A more humane, health-focussed approach to alcohol and other drug problems would provide space for our community to truly consider the drivers of drug problems – poverty and intergenerational disadvantage and focus on what we can do to support people to participate fully in our community.

What does a Queensland more in line with your organisations values look like? 

An inclusive, compassionate society where people are encouraged to connect with and support each other and where essential health services are accessible and non-judgemental.

Why does your organisation believe in a stronger civil society that holds government and the market to account?

Civil society can act as our community conscience and provide a link between the frontline experience and research evidence on what works to reduce the negative impacts of market driven approaches.  It’s easy to blame individuals who struggle to get ahead as not trying hard enough.  It’s harder to accept that there are structural biases that entrench disadvantage and work to dismantle and replace them with structures that are more equitable.

Contact: Rebecca Lang, CEO
