Partner Profile - United Voice
Why is your organisation a member of the Alliance?
United Voice is a member of the Alliance to make sure our members have a voice not only in their workplace but also in their community.
United Voice
Member since 2013
Why is your organisation a member of the Alliance?
United Voice are a member of the Queensland Community Alliance to make sure our members have a voice not only in their workplace but also in their community.
Why is it important for the voices of your members/community to be heard?
Our voices are important so that the issues that affect the everyday lives of our members can be addressed, and we can all live in a fair and civil society
What does a Queensland more in line with your organisations values look like?
- Restored fairness,
- A living wage and decent, secure employment in full-time and part-time jobs,
- An adequately-funded education system,
- An adequately-funded health service,
- Looking after our aged with good aged care services,
- Better superannuation that will provide decent pensions so that people are not retiring into poverty,
- Reliable jobs you can count on,
- A social services sector that supports those in need,
- More affordable housing and in particular, young people being able to buy their first home,
- No discrimination – age, gender, race, cultural, disability, etc.
- A Queensland that welcomes diversity and is more inclusive.
Why does your organisation believe in a stronger civil society that holds government and the market to account?
As a union we always believe in people’s rights and strive for the greater good. By working as a collective we get better results for our members.
By being part of the Alliance and working with other organisations for the greater good we have more leverage to hold government to account. The current government is chipping away at long-fought-for working conditions, reducing funding to a lot of services and making Australia a society of ‘haves’ and have-nots’.
They have lost touch with working people and how they are suffering. We need to work together to restore the balance
Contact person: Gary Bullock, Branch Secretary and Sheila Hunter, Assistant Branch Secretary.