Civic Academy 1: What is Community Wealth Building

Civic Academy 1: What is Community Wealth Building

Join us for the first of two online Civic Academies on Community Wealth Building in Logan! 

In this first session, we'll introduce this series and our approach to civic education, before hearing from Community Wealth Building Expert, Patrick Fensham

This event will develop the technical knowledge of community wealth building as a solution to address insecure work at a city level. We will explore what it is and what has worked in other places. There will be time to explore why we're running a Community Wealth Building campaign and to ask questions about the concept.

In our second academy on 2 August, we'll get more specific about what's already happening in Logan and the opportunities that exist locally. You can register for the second academy here

You can read our two-pager on community wealth building here. If you’re really keen to get across the detail, you can read more from CLES or watch a video from the Democracy Collaborative or CLES.

July 26, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Online Via Zoom
Emily Kain · · 0476 249 366
Kirsty Petersen Ben Edwards Kim Wright John Bamford Teresa da Silva Anne Somerville Roger Marshall Yolanda van Gellecum Pacifique Ndeze

Who's RSVPing

Kirsty Petersen
Ben Edwards
Kim Wright
John Bamford
Teresa da Silva
Anne Somerville
Roger Marshall
Yolanda van Gellecum
Pacifique Ndeze

Will you come?

Showing 10 reactions

  • Kirsty Petersen
    rsvped 2022-07-26 15:31:49 +1000
  • Ben Edwards
    rsvped 2022-07-26 12:11:16 +1000
  • Kim Wright
    rsvped 2022-07-26 10:24:28 +1000
  • John Bamford
    rsvped 2022-07-25 16:20:22 +1000
  • Teresa da Silva
    rsvped 2022-07-25 00:57:01 +1000
  • Anne Somerville
    rsvped +1 2022-07-24 10:47:12 +1000
  • Roger Marshall
    rsvped 2022-07-21 14:48:17 +1000
  • Yolanda van Gellecum
    rsvped 2022-07-20 20:39:24 +1000
  • Pacifique Ndeze
    rsvped 2022-07-20 18:50:47 +1000
  • Emily Kain
    published this page in Logan 2022-07-20 18:35:56 +1000