Civic Academy - Social Isolation and Communities Strategy
Join us and leading experts at our Civic Academy on Social Isolation and Queensland's Communities Strategy.
Our Alliance's organising has put social isolation and loneliness on the radar for real action in Queensland. Following last year's Parliamentary Inquiry into Social Isolation, this year we have been building towards Queensland Government releasing a 10 year strategy to address social isolation and loneliness across our state.
We need organised communities to continue pushing this action to happen effectively. Our civic academies series aims to equip leaders and members in our partner organisations to:
- Prepare for an upcoming Assembly with representatives of the Palaszczuk Government.
- Lay foundations for longer term action across the Alliance.
This Civic Academy will focus on sharing stories, developing understanding and ownership of our policy solutions, and preparing leaders for our Assembly. Our asks to Government at the upcoming Assembly will be to:
- Release the 10-year Communities and Social Isolation Strategy before end of 2022.
- Include a mechanism for community voice and accountability in the implementation of the strategy.
- Begin the roll-out of Social Prescribing with at least 5 trial sites.
This will be an online event.
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