A more vibrant healthier Ipswich
This week in Ipswich the Alliance has determined to pursue two very significant issues at our Ipswich Solutions Forum held Tuesday 8 December 2015.
First; members endorsed a plan to enhance and expand the Activate Ipswich initiative begun by Ipswich City Council however QCA needs to coordinate a project around theRenew Newcastle project model in NSW. This initiative, and the people involved, will have mentorship and strong support from Renew Newcastle, Renew Australia and Alliance partner organisations.
If you know people around Ipswich who would want to become involved, are struggling artists and artisans, vacant storefront owners or letting agents, then put them onto it… we’ve already identified over 50 vacant premises! Activating Ipswich in this manner is anticipated by Alliance partners to indirectly address public safety, alcohol and drug abuse, and anti-social incidents around the city centre. The QCA – Ipswich community is determined to have their city safer, more vibrant and a better place for all. A major event to launch this will be held in Ipswich on 27 January 2016.
The second significant issue of concern… Access to Mental Health Services… has been priority endorsed to move forward as a Collective Impact Project. While a completely different agenda to QCA - Logan initiatives, our work with Logan Together (a project model involving all stakeholders) is supported and partnered with the Alliance will achieve results over the long term. This will bring real results for kids aged 0 to 8 in the Logan area.
In Ipswich and West Moreton the Alliance already has the commitments from the Darling Downs & West Moreton Primary Health Network, the West Moreton Hospital & Health Service, and a number of other community based organisations such as Headspace and Partners in Recovery to work collaboratively on our mental health initiatives. We recognise we all have significant work to do, need to draw more engagement from other organisations, and establish the backbone framework as quickly as possible. Recently announced changes by the federal government for PHN’s on mental health and the NDIS have far reaching implication/s. We’ve all seen and heard “the plans” for mental health services before, however the QCA – Ipswich crew will be drivers and accountability advocates for all involved.
The CEO of the West Moreton HHS will be holding a forum for all hospital staff , and others who could come in from outlying services, on 2 February 2016 at Ipswich Hospital auditorium. Hospital and HHS staff can attend in paid time and discover the real value of approaching mental health service delivery and realignments under this model.
Finally, the QCA will hold our assembly of all partners, collaborators, local and state government representatives, and other decision makers and shakers, on 15 February 2016. You can RSVP here with details on venue and times. While your there, like us on Facebook to be kept up to date directly.
Neither of these initiatives will experience fulsome success without our community in Ipswich direct involvement. The Qld Community Alliance is asking more unionists church goers abs community leaders, their families and friends to join with us on this night.