Save Our Weekend - Community Conversations
A day of rest. A time to spend with family and contribute to community groups. A time for church or reflection.
Sunday has traditionally been a day of rest in Australia.
And yet our economy is changing, with continual demands for longer working hours and greater opening hours.
We are moving towards a 24/7 economy, where the weekend is no longer protected as a time for rest, for playing sport, for spending time with our family and friends. .
As members of unions, churches and community organisations, we have a common interest in protecting the weekend and keeping Sunday special.
If we are to protect family time against an every encroaching market, we need to be involved in decisions around trading hours and penalty rates. We need to speak up, so that community values are considered in the decisions that shape our society.
This community conversation will involve Alliance members coming together to discuss these issues. We will also be asking Federal candidates for political office to outline their stance on protecting our weekends. These are non-partisan events.
30 Eldorado St
Bracken Ridge, QLD 4017
Google map and directions
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