On Saturday 14th October Australians will be asked to vote on the creation of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament enshrined in the constitution.
We have a once in a generation opportunity to take action for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart invites all Australians to walk with the First Nations people of this land in a movement for a better future. Our Alliance has accepted this invitation, in line with our core goals to foster civic engagement and a strong democracy.
Our Plan to Make a Difference
The power of our Alliance comes from the relationships of trust that we have inside our cultural associations, unions, faith groups and community organisations.
And we know that a conversation with a trusted person is the thing that is most powerful to influence the decision of someone who wants "to do the right thing" but isn't sure how.
We have a plan to generate 10,000 conversations over the last 5 weeks of the campaign, targeted at people who haven't made a firm decision about how to vote in this referendum.
This plan can make a massive difference to the Referendum result. But it is all about activating the trusted networks that you have in your own community. So we need you to understand, activate and commit.
Host a Table Talk
A table talk is a small group conversation. It works best when 6-12 people gather for about an hour, and share stories.
Small group conversations are a really great way to help people form strong judgement. The world of billboards, social media and tv advertising can be quite confusing! These sessions allow people to ask questions in a safe environment, where they can access information and should not be scared of retribution.
Hundreds of Alliance leaders are hosting table talks in their churches, community centres, homes, workplaces and multicultural communities in the coming weeks!
Just want more info about the Referendum and the Voice?
Check out this information page!
Walking Together
We've trained 300 community leaders across South East Queensland to deeply understand the Voice and the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Now those people are getting active in their own communities.
If you missed out on training, don't worry there's still opportunities to learn how to take effective action together on the Voice.
Or sign up for other actions with the tick boxes below!
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